Mistique Cloud forest

The cloud forest never ceases to amaze visitors, even at cloudy times it has incredible sounds of birds and insects that pull us to explore and discover it.

Baños de Ambato

The Andean mountains of Ecuador always amaze its visitors, either with dreamy clouds, or with histories of volcanic activity. Today we visited the slopes of Tungurahua Volcano, where adventure activities like zip lining, swings as suspended Bridges induce adrenaline, and views amaze us and make us dream of staying forever here. Tungurahua volcanoe 5023 masl […]


The city of San Francisco de Quito is home to more than 2 million “quiteños” and is surrounded by many active volcanoes like Cotopaxi, Cayambe and Pululahua. The closest one (less than 10 km in a straight line from the city center) is the stratovolcanoe Pichincha, with it’s active crater Guagua (child) Pichincha, sent a […]

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