
A traveler once told me this: “You cannot leave this Earth without seeing the Galapagos Islands”. I hold this to be true, few places on earth lets you enjoy and relate to nature as the Galapagos Archipelago does. Located 1000 km from mainland Ecuador, and best known as the Live Laboratory of Evolution, was visited by Charles Darwin on 1835. Galapagos allows you a close relation with the animals through nature activities like trekking, surfing, kayaking, snorkeling and scuba diving. Two ways to travel in the Galapagos are on a live aboard cruise ship, where you stay onboard a confortable ship and travel from visitor site to visitor site accompanied by a group and a friendly naturalist guide. And the other is sleeping on confortable hotels on ground in one of the 4 populated islands. Our island hopping tours take you to different islands and allow you to actively swim, snorkel, scuba dive, bike and kayak with your loved ones at your own pace, and having a cocktail at the ond of the day by the beach.

Some of our Galapagos Tours so you have an idea of how we plan a great experience

We can make a customized tour for you and your family, send us your info and we will contact you

alya catamaran

Cruise Ships

We partner with several companies of our deep trust like the Samba, Alya, Bonita, Galapagos Explorer II, Pinta, Legend and Coral I-II.

Island Hopping

Some of our tourists prefer a nice not-moving hotel on land, and activities spread over the days with lots of time to hike, bike, snorkel, kayak or just sit with a beer in a hammock. We have a 20 year experience doing this type of trips, and the tours we offer are slow-tourism approved, environmentally cautious and professionally guided.

Some pictures of Galapagos to give you an idea of what we see in our tours

Amazing SouthAmerican Tours
Amazing SouthAmerican Tours
Amazing SouthAmerican Tours
Amazing SouthAmerican Tours
Amazing SouthAmerican Tours
Amazing SouthAmerican Tours
Amazing SouthAmerican Tours
Amazing SouthAmerican Tours
Amazing SouthAmerican Tours
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